Gundam Card Game Demo Deck Event 12-04-2025
Gundam Card Game Demo Deck Event
The “GUNDAM CARD GAME” expresses the world of the “Gundam” series through Unit, Pilot, Command, and Base cards. The number of ways to enjoy it are endless!
Entry Fee: -
Start time: 11:00
End time: 16:00
During t
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Gundam Card Game Demo Deck Event
The “GUNDAM CARD GAME” expresses the world of the “Gundam” series through Unit, Pilot, Command, and Base cards. The number of ways to enjoy it are endless!
Entry Fee: -
Start time: 11:00
End time: 16:00
During this event we will teach anybody who is interested in the Gundam TCG how to play the game. We will do this with Demo Decks provided to us by Bandai, these decks have to be returned after the event. There will be a community member who will explain the game and teach you the in and outs of the game! This event is free!
For more information about the Gundam Card Game, check out their website:
For questions you can message us at [email protected]
GamerzParadize B.V.
Looierstraat 50
6811 AZ Arnhem
[email protected] /